Thursday, January 6, 2011

Catch-22 Chunk #6

By the end of the book Yossarian is even more paranoid and decides to walk backwards that way no one can sneak up on him from behind. Also Yossarian refuses to participate in anymore missions. Yossarian refuses to go into combat at this time because his dear friend Nately had just died. Once Coloniel Cathcart and Coloniel Korn are notified of Yossarians choice they feel pity on him because of Nately's death and decide to send him to Rome in order to rest. Once in bad news Rome Yossaran breaks the news to Nately's whore and she tries to kill him for bringing her such bad news. As for Nately's sisters she is at first ok but then turns and tries to kill Yossarian also. Yossarian shows up at the Red Cross building with multiple stab wounds and once he exits the building Nately's whore is there waiting for him to stab him once again. She follows him everywhere but, finally he retaliates and flies her to a distant location and drops her off the plane with a Parachute. He still walks backwards to not allow people to attack him, and once word gets out that he refuses to fly people begin to approach him to ask him if its a fact. Once he tells them that its true they tell him that they hope he gets away with it.

Yossarian travels to Rome with Milo who is disappointed with his decision to not fly anymore. Then tells him that Rome had been bombed and all of it is in ruined. Also that the apartment where the bimbos used to live is destroyed, Yossarian finds the old lady who owned the building and she told them that the only right that the soldiers had to kick the girls out was the right called Catch 22. Which means that they have a right to do anything we cant stop them from doing.

Question: Catch 22 means that " they have the right to do anything we cant stop them from doing" what if our world as of now used this ? What would our world be like ?

Catch-22 Chunk #5

Throughout the next couple of chapters while in Rome Yossarian misses Nurse Duckett and goes on a search for Luciana. In this chapter he goes on a mission with Nately to rescue his bimbo because some men wont allow her to leave her hotel room. Once they rescue her she falls in love with him and Nately decides to move her and his little sister to America to raise his sister as his own child. But once his whore finds out about that he no longer wants to hustle, she becomes angry and it leads to an argument.

Around Thanksgiving Milo gets the men drunk and Yossarian breaks Nately nose. As he goes to bed early he is woken up to gun fire and at first is terrified but, then realizes that its his men playing a prank on him and decides to grab his gun and get revenge. Nately tries to stop him and Yossarian breaks his nose, Nately is admitted to hospital the nest morning and Yossarian feels horrible. So he decides to lie about having a disease called Wisconsin shingles. While in the hospital Nurse Duckett over hears some people talking about making Dunbar disappear and decides to tell Yossarian. Yossarian decides to try and warn his friend but cant find him and is too late. But Dunbar is not the one who dies, Cheif White Halfoat dies of pneumonia. The Nately finishes his seven missions and Yossarian begs him not to volunteer more than seven missions.

Question: Why are people trying to kill Dunbar ? Its like it never changes someone is always at risk of being killed. Who is killing everyone ?