Sunday, December 27, 2009

Opinion Piece # 2 Hard Choice for a Comfortable Death: Sedation by.Anemona Hartocollis

In this Opinion piece written by Anemona Hartocollis in a New York Times magazine,Hartocollis is using patients in Franklin Hospital,in Valley Stream on Long Island in order to explain how the patients were sleeping because their organs are shutting down.But patient Leo Oltizk, an 88year old man who has dementia,congestive heart failure,and kidney problems was brought from home by his wife and son, who were distressed to see him agitated, jumping out of bed and ripping off his clothes. Now he was sleeping soundly with his mouth wide open.While in the hospital he was given a sedative called lorazepam and recieved morphine to kill the pain,and may make it impossible for the patient to eat or drink. In so doing, it can cause death.Mr.Oltizk died 8 days after arriving at the hospital.When asked whether the sedation had rendered Mr. Oltzik unconscious could have accelerated his death,his doctor Dr.Halbridge stated "I don't know".So Anemoane's purpose was to not make Dr.Halbridge look like a bad doctor,but to help figure out if laying in a bed medicated to their fullest,is the best way a patient should die,and if its the safest way to help a dying patient.

-Application Question:Do you agree with Anemona Hartocollis' purpose in writing this piece,do you think the way the patients are treated before their death in this hospital is civil??

Stiff By.Mary Roach CHunk # 2

In this nonfictional text by Mary Roach she goes more in depth on how cadavers are not people anymore once they have died.She also explores how they are not treated like a real body during emergencies.Chapter "Dead Man Driving"about human crash dummies "By and large,the dead aren't very talented.They can't play water polo,or lace up their boots,or maximize market share.They can't tell a joke and they can't dance for beans.There is only one thing the dead excels at.They're very good at handling pain." Roach is giving examples of things normal alive people can do,which is the use of antithesis because she is comparing two things.Not also is she using antithesis she is also using Personification she is giving a dead person an action by saying they can take pain very well!!Mary roach not only compares humans to cadavers,she also shows how during emergencies cadavers aren't really urgent "A patient on its way to surgery travels twice the speed of a patient on the way to the morgue...A gurney with a cadaver commands no urgency.(ch."How to know if you are dead" about beating-heart cadavers and the scientific search for the soul)"Mary Roach has written one of the most gross,humorous, and interesting books ever.

-Application Question:Do you think that cadavers should have the same treatment as a regular person during an emergency??
-Style Question:Did you think it was humorous when Roach gave the example of cadavers excelling at handling pain?

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Stiff by.Mary Roach

Throughout the first chunk of Mary Roach's book "STIFF",Roach explains the good deeds given by Cadavers.Cadavers are dead human bodies that are to be dissected;corpse.So in this book author Mary Roach is trying to explain how these people don't have to give their bodies to "scientist" after their death in-order to be dissected and experimented on.Also Roach tells engrossing stories of our bodies when we are no longer with them.Stiff was an excellent book which even caught the attention of someone who doesn't read often. It's charm, wit, and history make up the perfect combination for anyone in need of a tale to remember. It challenges the reader, almost, to think what they value more: scientific benefits, or they're religious belief.

Discussion Questions:
1.Clarification-Do "scientist" still use cadavers for experiments??
2.Application-What do you think Roach meant when she told stories about our bodies when we are no longer with them??
3.Style-Do you think Mary Roach's humor takes away the seriousness of the plot??

Application Question For Times Precis!!

Application Question:How could France enforce their No Smoking In Public Areas Law,without causing problems or confrontation??

What Smoking Ban? The French Are Lighting Up in Public Again By.Bruce Crumley/Paris

In this piece by Bruce Crumley entitled "What Smoking Ban? The French Are Lighting Up in Public Again" in a Times Magazine on Sat,Dec 26,2009,Crumley states that three years ago France banned smoking in public areas."According to a report released on Dec. 17 by an anti-smoking group, the initial obeisance of French smokers has now given way to people increasingly flaunting the law by lighting up indoors." Which causes him to give the opinion that the problem is really the lack of law enforcement and punishment has inspired smokers to ignore the ban. My thoughts agree wit Bruce Crumley if France would push the Law to a point where its people would get the picture.Then maybe reports wouldnt have to be made about this problem.

Read more:,8599,1949817,00.html#ixzz0apQTuTN3

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My First Freakin Blog

After reading the Narrative Of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass I have came to the realization that my favorite scene had to be Frederick defending himself from Mr.Covey because after defending himself from Mr.Covey Frederick became a man.Also when fighting Mr.Covey Douglass uses a lot of imagery to explain the actions and feelings between the two of them.When Mr.Covey was calling for help,how the other people couldn't all help take Frederick down,made me laugh.Douglass uses his senses to help me the reader imagine the scenery and the satirical features throughout the scene.After this scene Frederick took an even further step toward becoming a free African American man.Now that Frederick was a man and could read and write;he could one protect himself from any danger and two understand things and write if ever needed.The scene when Frederick Douglass was defending himself from the evil Mr.Covey was my favorite part of the Narrative Of Frederick Douglass.How could it not be??