Sunday, December 27, 2009

Stiff By.Mary Roach CHunk # 2

In this nonfictional text by Mary Roach she goes more in depth on how cadavers are not people anymore once they have died.She also explores how they are not treated like a real body during emergencies.Chapter "Dead Man Driving"about human crash dummies "By and large,the dead aren't very talented.They can't play water polo,or lace up their boots,or maximize market share.They can't tell a joke and they can't dance for beans.There is only one thing the dead excels at.They're very good at handling pain." Roach is giving examples of things normal alive people can do,which is the use of antithesis because she is comparing two things.Not also is she using antithesis she is also using Personification she is giving a dead person an action by saying they can take pain very well!!Mary roach not only compares humans to cadavers,she also shows how during emergencies cadavers aren't really urgent "A patient on its way to surgery travels twice the speed of a patient on the way to the morgue...A gurney with a cadaver commands no urgency.(ch."How to know if you are dead" about beating-heart cadavers and the scientific search for the soul)"Mary Roach has written one of the most gross,humorous, and interesting books ever.

-Application Question:Do you think that cadavers should have the same treatment as a regular person during an emergency??
-Style Question:Did you think it was humorous when Roach gave the example of cadavers excelling at handling pain?


  1. cadavers shouldn't receive the same treatment as the living during an emergency because their bodies are different and hence the importance of the emergency is downgraded.

    who would you rather save,a dead man or a man who still has a fighting chance at life?

  2. I would rather save a man still fighting for his life.

  3. Raven, i agree with Bernarda. Cadavers shouldnt recieve the same treatment as a living person because their bodies are not the same.

