Saturday, December 26, 2009

Stiff by.Mary Roach

Throughout the first chunk of Mary Roach's book "STIFF",Roach explains the good deeds given by Cadavers.Cadavers are dead human bodies that are to be dissected;corpse.So in this book author Mary Roach is trying to explain how these people don't have to give their bodies to "scientist" after their death in-order to be dissected and experimented on.Also Roach tells engrossing stories of our bodies when we are no longer with them.Stiff was an excellent book which even caught the attention of someone who doesn't read often. It's charm, wit, and history make up the perfect combination for anyone in need of a tale to remember. It challenges the reader, almost, to think what they value more: scientific benefits, or they're religious belief.

Discussion Questions:
1.Clarification-Do "scientist" still use cadavers for experiments??
2.Application-What do you think Roach meant when she told stories about our bodies when we are no longer with them??
3.Style-Do you think Mary Roach's humor takes away the seriousness of the plot??


  1. Mary Roach wanted to let people know that our postmortem bodies aren't exactly useless.She wanted us to be open to the idea of scientists using our bodies for research and such,to further their research.

  2. I personally think that her humor does take away of the seriousness of the plot because it takes our minds off the main reason why we're ready such a gory book!
